Thursday, September 29, 2011

All good things come to an end...

It's time to close up shop on this endeavor.  It's been fun. 

Saturday, August 28, 2010


As if we didn't need a reminder that Dieci Miglia doesn't like Tebow...

DM: facebook thinks that I'm a gators fan. I WILL NEVER LIKE TEBOW. stop it facebook.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's been awhile...

but decompressing from the bar exam takes time...

Dieci Miglia dropped this gem on the world today:

"God created Nutella. And then God created Erica Bana. And then God created me, because he knew at that point I would have two reasons to live."

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Me: How does freedom taste?

DM: Like carnitas and margaritas...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Been a bit slow with finals and other end of school nonsense but...


One thing I'm going to miss about law school: reading people's status updates during finals. 

Not one status sounds like it was written by a sane person.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Commencement madness...

Dieci Miglia to me talking about graduation

I told Maxip...

I am dry, [crazy expensive private law school].  you have taken everything I am, including my pride and my girlish figure.  You spit me out on the other side.  And now you still want $100


All I'm wondering is if this is a prereq to walk that red carpet

Because I don't wear a dark, long, black gown on a hot May day

I would prefer to frolic in my summer dress

I'm going to say yes

you're right
Fuck a duck

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dieci Miglia has a friend who's a "strong woman"...

Dieci Miglia discussing an evening out with Anitsua...

Anitsua was like walking down the street and sort of tripped on a part of the sidewalk
and  "why didn't you warn me that was comin' want me to fall flat on my face, don't you"
Dieci Miglia: hahahah
sooo funny